
File Structure

Anchor has a fairly loose file structure — you can have as many files and folders as you want in your theme, as long as a few required theme files are present.

Required theme files

If you don’t have these files, your theme won’t work properly, or just won’t show up at all. It’s vital you have these files (at least).


This text file holds the basic details about your theme. For example:

Theme name: Default
Description: This is the default, shiny theme for Anchor CMS.
Author name: Visual Idiot
Author site:


When a post, page or article is not found, this template will be used.


The generic single post template. Used on single post/article pages.

This template is customisable You can have custom article templates by appending the article slug to the file name, such as article-this-is-my-article.php.


The generic page template.

This template is customisable You can also have custom page templates by appending the page’s slug to the file name, such as page-this-is-my-page.php.


This is the blog listing (and usually the index) template for your site. Used in conjunction with the loop to show the latest posts.


This is where you can customise fragments of content by placing your own helper functions in this file and calling them in your templates.

Optional theme files


The very first part of your theme. Included at the very start of every template, and is used to start a HTML document (the <!doctype HTML> bit).


The opposite to header.php; included at the end of every template, and is normally used to close the document and insert any tracking/analytics code, or external JavaScript.


This template shows the results for a user’s search. Used in conjunction with the loop to show the search results.